

Sri Lanka Internet

Posted by andy.b67 on  11th May 2016
Category: Internet
How To Sort Out Your Internet Access Before You Start Travelling In Sri Lanka If interent access is important to you, you may find that some accommodation places in Sri Lanka may advertise the fact that they have wifi access but the reality may be somewhat different. In some instances, it may not exist at all, and at other times, the access may be sketchy to say the least. Of course that is not alwas

The Head Wobble

Posted by andy.b67 on  1st May 2016
Category: People
While visiting a new country is interesting and exciting, moving to one, learning to adapt, and understanding the culture can be challenging. Some things are very obvious and easy to get used to, while there are certain other things… well, you’ll probably never get used to them. (Hint: Rice and Curry. All. The. Time.) Here’s one thing that is very typical for ‪SriLanka‬, but can be difficult, confusing, or even flat-out weird to a foreigner.