When it comes to saving, Sri Lankans have a lower saving rate than other Asian countries. Compare for example the Sri Lankan saving rate of 23%, compared to that of Singapore (53%), and of Malaysia (33%). India and the Philippines also have a higher saving rate of 31%.
Reasons for this could be the low average salary of say 20,000 to 30,000 rps (US138 to US207) per month. However it may be down to the fact that the civil war taught people to look at surviving through the day on a day by day basis where the immediate presence far outweighed thinking of the future. Given that the war ended in 2009, that is only a mere 9 years ago. It may take many more years, and perhaps the next generation to change that mindset.
One thing Sri Lankans do like to do though is party.
When it comes to eating out and drinking with friends, they love to spend to enjoy themselves. Indeed don’t be surprised if they ask you to join in their festivities. Their hospitality is like no other. Whilst this may reduce the savings of some, it must also mean that others are lining their pockets.